A method for managing three groups, the method comprising the steps of:
providing a first group with access to a web application, to place a
first command into the web application; providing a second group with
access to the web application, to receive the first command from the
first group; providing the second group with access to the web
application, to respond that the first command has been completed into
the web application; providing the first group with access to the web
application, to place a second command into the web application;
providing a third group with access to the web application, to receive
the second command from the first group; providing the third group with
access to the web application, to respond that the second command has
been completed into the web application; providing the first group with
access to the web application, to place a third command into the web
application; providing the second group with access to the web
application, to receive the third command from the first group; and
providing the second group with access to the web application, to respond
that the third command has been completed into the web application.