A colored music notation system and a method of colorizing music notation
using seven colors that are easily distinguishable from one another,
representing the seven unique notes in an octave. The color of a note may
be chosen from a list of colors in CMYK format, with a tolerance of plus
or minus ten points, preferably plus or minus five points in attributes
for any of the colors. The colors may be reproduced by any printing
method, including using a conventional personal computer. The colors are
easily reproducible within acceptable tolerances on a wide variety of
media and with a range of printing options, can be read under various
lighting conditions, and do not make written music unpleasant to the eye.
The colors are also sufficiently different to allow for easy recognition
of common chord combinations by the recollection of simple groups of
colors. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, notes affected by
an accidental are the same color as the natural note to which they are
related. The invention also provides a method for applying color to the
keys a keyboard instrument.