A probe, device, and methods for performing nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) measurements on a suitable sample are provided. The probe includes
a hyperpolarized tip positioned to cause a dipolar interaction between
the tip and sample. The nuclear magnetic spin of a selected portion of
the sample induces a modulation of tip magnetization, which is
proportional to the local magnetization of the selected portion. An NMR
device includes the probe, a radio frequency (RF) coil for manipulating
spins in the sample and tip, and a means for detecting the modulation of
tip magnetization. An RF pulse sequence selects the selected portion and
allows detection of the modulation. The method for obtaining NMR data
includes positioning the tip to induce the dipolar interaction; selecting
the sample portion; modulating the tip magnetization in response thereto;
and detecting the tip modulation. The device and method may be adapted to
obtain NMR images and spectroscopy.