A MAS probe offers a substantial improvement in signal to noise (S/N) in
triple-resonance high-resolution (HR) magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR of
samples near room temperature (RT) in high field magnets, especially
where the RT shim bore is less than 55 mm. Critical circuit components
other than the sample coils, including both high-power capacitors and
inductors for one or more channels are located in a small, thermally
insulated, cold zone immediately below the sample spinner assembly.
Cooling these components to 100 K allows their thermal noise power to be
conveniently reduced by a factor of three or more. Variable capacitors
for fine tuning are located in an RT tuning zone below the cold zone. The
circuit is designed such that the currents, voltages, and standing wave
ratio (SWR) in circuit tuning elements in the RT tuning zone are
relatively low, so rf losses and noise contributions below the cold zone
may be only a few percent. The MAS probe is also compatible with magic
angle gradients, automatic sample change, multi-nuclear tuning, variable
temperature operation, field locking, and optical spin rate detection.