An antenna system of coaxial elements and terminating impedances produces
controlled bandwidth, broadband, and wideband performance under a variety
of near field influences, with capability for simultaneous and
alternating reception and radiation of electromagnetic radio energy. The
antenna system enables broader bandwidths within miniaturized areas of
confinement relative to wavelength. Singular elements of the system
enable, and a plurality of elements of the system are combined to form
specific bandpass, band reject, duplexing, and diplexing for radio
frequencies as a function of the antenna system. The antenna system
features complex terminating impedances which combine with characteristic
impedances of coaxial structures to yield efficient radiating and
matching functions for radio energy over a controlled bandwidth. The
antenna system simultaneously utilizes the skin effect of electron flow
with different vectors flowing on the internal and the external surfaces
of the outside conductor of coaxial antenna elements with different