Process and apparatus for treating wastewater from a sewer system
including the steps of: (A) removing solids contained in the influent to
create solids-depleted preliminary effluent (PrE) and to protect
downstream systems from premature failure due to wear from solid
particles; (B) removing suspended solids from the PrE to produce a
suspended solids-depleted primary effluent (PE); (C) treating the PE
biologically by exposing it to bacteria-supporting media that removes
soluble organic material, thereby creating trickling filter effluent
(TFE); (D) separating the bacterial organisms by settling to create a
secondary effluent (SE); (E) subjecting the SE to tertiary treatment
including granular activated carbon pressure filters to remove PCB's and
other compounds and create a carbon filter effluent; (F) disinfecting the
CFE to create a final effluent (FE); and (G) discharging the FE to a
receiving environment, separately settling and disposing the backwash
solids in a backwash clarifier.