A method and apparatus are provided in accordance with embodiments of the
present invention for heat-treating electrical contacts. The method and
apparatus include plating a core wire with at least one conductive
coating to form an electrical contact that experiences internal stresses.
The method and apparatus further include induction heating the electrical
contact for a predetermined period of time to at least partially relieve
the internal stresses. A plurality of electrical contacts may be mounted
on a substrate that is held near induction coils to cause heating. The
electrical contacts may be formed with spring shaped bodies that are
aligned at a desired orientation within magnetic fields created during
induction heating. In accordance with at least one embodiment of the
present invention, different portions of each electrical contact may be
annealed by different desired amounts. The electrical contacts are
annealed such that a base portion of each electrical contact undergoes
less annealing to retain superior strength properties and the flexible
portion of the electrical contact which retains superior
stress-relaxation properties.