A method for delivering and shipping parcels using a secure receptacle.
The secure receptacle has an access device that controls a lock which is
used to secure the contents of the receptacle from unauthorized access.
One or more carriers are provided with authorized identification codes
that are entered via the access device. Carriers can unlock the
receptacle to place a parcel inside and then secure the receptacle to
deliver the parcel whether a person is at the delivery location to
receive the parcel or not. To ship a parcel, a sender places a parcel in
the secure receptacle and notifies the carrier, who accesses the
receptacle as described above. The carrier then takes the parcel and
delivers it to the specified destination. When parcels are placed in or
removed from the secure receptacle, a scanner positioned inside the
secure receptacle reads a label on the parcel and sends the information
to the carrier or a central processing station for the purposes of
tracking parcels and payment transactions.