The invention is directed to a network-enabled appliance. The appliance
may aid the remote monitoring of various measured data. The device may
monitor a variable or set of variables and output the data upon request.
In addition, the appliance may issue alarms, alerts, warning and other
notifications when a variable matches a setpoint or undergoes a specified
change, deviation, and/or fluctuation. Further the appliance may be
operable to communicate with other appliances. The communication may
comprise periodic pinging of peer appliances. In this manner, a peer
appliance may detect a failure in other network-enabled appliances when
an anticipated ping is not received. Further, the communication may
enable the establishment of a directory of capabilities of various
appliances. In this manner, a group of appliances may perform more
complex behaviors by grouping resources. Further, a group of appliances
may act to reestablish the behavior of a failed device.