Method and apparatus for biologically oxidizing organic matter. Finely
powdered organic matter is suplied into the top end of an upright, high
reaction vessel (1). The vessel (1) has been filled up substantially
completely by small balls, on the surfaces of which the matter to be
oxidized is present in thin layers. By means of a conveyor (6) outside
the vessel, the balls are transferred uppwards, whereby the balls in the
reaction vessel (1) flow downwrds. Oxidizing air is blown uppwrds against
the flow of balls, whereby in the upper section of the vessel, drying
takes place in the first instance and then is formed an oxidizing zone
automatically by microbial activity in a section, wherein the best
oxidizing conditions are prevailing. Exhaust air is cleaned by means of
ionic cleaners (14) and singlet oxygen generators (27) and oxidized
matter is recovered from the bottom end of the reaction vessel.