The present invention relates to a method of constructing a variant of a
parent Termamyl-like alpha-amylase, which variant has alpha-amylase
activity and at least one altered property as compared to the parent
alpha-amylase, comprising i) analyzing the structure of the parent
Termamyl-like alpha-amylase to identify at least one amino acid residue
or at least one structural part of the Termamyl-like alpha-amylase
structure, which amino acid residue or structural part is believed to be
of relevance for altering the property of the parent Termamyl-like
alpha-amylase (as evaluated on the basis of structural or functional
considerations), ii) constructing a Termamyl-like alpha-amylase variant,
which as compared to the parent Termamyl-like alpha-amylase, has been
modified in the amino acid residue or structural part identified in i) so
as to alter the property, and iii) testing the resulting Termamyl-like
alpha-amylase variant for the property in question.