A mass spectrometric apparatus capable of generating and detecting
positive and negative ions stably at the same time. The apparatus
preferably comprises: an opening through which a sample gas is
introduced; an ion source to generate ions of the sample gas; and a mass
spectrometer to analyze the mass of the generated ions. The ion source
utilized with the mass spectrometric device comprises: a first needle
electrode on which a voltage is applied in order to generate positive
ions of the sample gas introduced through the opening; a first counter
electrode having a first opening through which the sample gas and the
positive ions pass; a second counter electrode disposed opposite the
first counter electrode having a second opening through which the sample
gas and the positive ions pass; a second needle electrode on which
voltage is applied in order to generate negative ions of the sample gas;
and a vent through which the sample gas is ejected. Generated ions are
then introduced into a vacuum region via an aperture and subjected to
mass analysis.