A power breaking apparatus for prevention of electrical shock breaks AC
power supplied to electrical structures such as traffic lights,
streetlights etc. if a leakage voltage is detected over a preset voltage
or the electrical structures are inundated, thereby preventing electrical
shock from inundation or leakage voltage. A plurality of inundation
sensor rods of inundation sensing unit sense inundation of the metal
posts. A plurality of leakage voltage sensor rods of the leakage voltage
sensor sense leakage voltage. A power break signal generation unit
generates ground current if the inundation sensing unit senses inundation
or the leakage voltage sensor senses leakage voltage over a preset
voltage and shots AC power to the ground if a predetermined time lapses.
A zero phase sequence current transformers (ZCTs) detect the ground
current. A leakage zero phase detector controls wiring breaker and a
magnetic switch to break AC power according as the ZCTs detect ground
current. The wiring breaker detects transient current to break AC power
if the power break signal generation unit shorts AC power lines.