The present invention provides a hand held dermoscopy epiluminescense
device having a generally circular optical magnification lens
incorporated into the housing of the device. A lighting array provides
the light necessary for medical examination of the skin. The lighting
array comprises a ring of LEDs comprising four different colored sets of
LEDs each on a different lighting circuit. The four colors comprise
White, UV/Blue (405 nm), green/yellow (565 nm) and orange/red (630 nm). A
second embodiment provides a hand held dermoscopy epiluminescense device
with a magnification lens and an associated ring of luminous diodes
powered by an on board battery. Every other diode in the ring operates as
first and second light sources. The even diodes are filtered by a first
polarization ring and the odd diodes are filtered by a second
polarization ring. Each polarization ring has an open center for the lens
and openings sized and positioned to correspond to the even or odd diodes
to only filter one set. A viewing polarizer is provided and is
cross-polarized relative to the first polarization ring and is
parallel-polarized with the second polarization ring. The device is
threaded to mate with a camera or camera lens.