Techniques are disclosed for efficiently and selectively reloading frames
of a multiframe Web page or a multiframe window. Multiple frames may be
reloaded as a result of the server sending its response to a single
client request message. Server-side logic maintains an awareness of which
frames need to be reloaded, regardless of whether that need results from
something synchronous with the client's request for a frame or
asynchronous to that request. Then, when the client requests data for a
single frame, in addition to sending content for the requested frame, the
server also sends data to cause reloading of the other frames that need
to be reloaded (and only those frames). Preferably, the data to cause
reloading of the other frames comprises indicators (such as scripting
code) that will force the client to request reloading of each of these
other frames. Multiple reload requests may be collapsed into a single
response. The disclosed techniques apply also to frames to be initially
loaded. Bandwidth is used efficiently, and flashing of browser frames is
reduced. No additional client-side logic is required.