In computerized recognition having multiple experts, a method and system
is described that obtains an optimum value for an expert tuning parameter
in a single pass over sample tuning data. Each tuning sample is applied
to two experts, resulting in scores from which ranges of parameters that
correct incorrect recognition errors without changing correct results for
that sample are determined. To determine the range data for a given
sample, the experts return scores for each prototype in a database, the
scores separated into matching and non-matching scores. The matching and
non-matching scores from each expert are compared, providing upper and
lower bounds defining ranges. Maxima and minima histograms track upper
and lower bound range data, respectively. An analysis of the histograms
based on the full set of tuning samples provides the optimum value. For
tuning multiple parameters, each parameter may be optimized by this
method in isolation, and then iterated.