A design support method allows even inexperienced design engineers to design at a standard or higher quality level within a reduced design period of time. A setup step registers in a database the correlations of design specifications, circuit components and design items, which are required for the circuit design of a product. A design-specification determination step prompts a design engineer to determine the content of the design specifications. A circuit-component determination step prompts the design engineer to determine circuit components in accordance with the correlations between the design specifications and the circuit components. A design-item extraction step extracts design items required for a specific version of the product in accordance with the correlations between the design item and the design specification or circuit component, registered in the setup step, and presents the extracted design items to the design engineer. A design-item execution step presents to the design engineer specific job content extracted in the design-item extraction step, and naviates and prompting prompts the design engineer to execute the job content.

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