An apparatus for and method of enhancing throughput within a cluster lock
processing system having a relatively large number of commodity cluster
instruction processors which are arranged in redundant fashion to improve
reliability. Because the commodity processors have virtually no system
viability features such as memory protection, failure recovery, etc., the
cluster/lock processors assume the responsibility for providing these
functions. The low cost of the commodity cluster instruction processors
makes the system almost linearly scalable. The cluster/locking, caching,
and mass storage accessing functions are fully integrated into a single
hardware platform which performs the role of the cluster/lock master.
Upon failure of this hardware platform, a second redundant hardware
platform converts from slave to master role. The logic for the failure
detection and role swapping is placed within software, which can run as
an application under a commonly available operating system. During
periods between failures, both master and slave, along with their
redundant interfaces, are employed to enhance throughput.