A method and system for evaluating the current-voltage characteristics of
devices where negative resistance behavior is observed. More particularly
the present invention relates to a method and system for evaluating
accurately the electrical overstress or ESD performance of semiconductor
devices during the voltage transition region (positive to negative). The
method comprises applying a signal comprising at least two amplitudes
within the pulse. By suitably adjusting the amplitude of the first level,
such that it is high enough to trigger the device-under-test, and
subsequently applying one or more levels within the same signal while
keeping the device-under-test in the on-state, the device IV
characteristics can be comprehensively extracted, without being limited
by the system loadline. The method may use a rectangular pulse testing
set-up, also known as transmission line measurement set-up, with a single
loadline characteristic to determine a portion or the complete ESD
characteristic of the device-under test.