To implant a lead system for an implantable cardiac stimulation device, a
guide wire is slidably introduced into a longitudinally extending
internal passage of an elongated stylet. In turn, the combined stylet and
guide wire are slidably introduced into the longitudinally extending
lumen of an elongated tubular lead body of flexible resilient insulative
material having a thrusting region near its distal end. With the distal
end of the stylet in engagement with the thrusting region of the lead,
the stylet together with the lead and guide wire are advanced until the
lead should encounter a tortuous turn in the vasculature of the body. At
this point, the guide wire is advanced through the stylet and into the
vasculature until the distal end of the guide wire arrives at a chosen
location. The stylet then re-continues its advance together with the lead
until the lead reaches the desired implant location.