A computer implemented application development (authoring) system permits
objects (such as VBX custom controls) to be graphically inserted into the
program under development by dragging and dropping associated icons into
one of four views. The properties associated with the object may than be
assigned settings. Development of a complete application is accomplished
by visually arranging, ordering, and interconnecting the objects without
the necessity of writing any code. The four views of Output, Map,
Multitrack, and Workform may be synchronized so that changes made to the
program in one view are simultaneously reflected in all other views. The
system generates as output a script listing the objects and their
properties which is then executed by a separate run time program. The
system permits use of objects written to a standard specification and the
addition at any time of additional objects written to that. Integration
of the objects into the system is achieved by wrapping each object is an
"envelope" of system specific properties.