A weather system available through the Internet provides for clean and
consistent global navigation, brings content close to the consumer, and
allows consumers to plan their lives based on the weather. The weather
system provides consumers with multiple methods of navigating through the
site, including: geographical, categorical/activity-based,
localized/contextual, and temporal. These navigation methods are not
mutually exclusive but instead are tightly nested to allow consumers to
navigate seamlessly through the site, switching from one method to the
next. On a local weather page, the information is organized in a
hub-and-spoke fashion so that consumers can navigate to interrelated
information. The weather system can quickly give consumers the local
weather at any location, but also empowers consumers to plan their lives
based on the weather. The weather system parses weather information and
other data into a database and uses a combination of presentation beans,
data beans, and advertisement beans to build pages that are delivered to
the consumers. Business logic is incorporated into the beans to allow the
system to select content and displays based on the consumer, the
consumer's product, network, geography, weather, co-brand, language, and