A comminution apparatus for refining various materials into smaller pieces
of a desired size, the apparatus having a pair of generally circular
disks disposed on a common axis and arranged generally parallel to one
another forming a comminution region there between. Each disk
incorporates a plurality of removable cutting bars radially disposed on
the disk face, one disk having an even number, the other having an odd
number of cutting bars. Process material is fed into the comminution
space between the opposing disks and comminuted by counter-rotation of
the disks which shears material between opposing cutting bars as they
pass. Spacing between the disks is adjustable to suit the input process
material. Tapered disk faces control the flow of material during the
comminution process, permitting only material that has been sufficiently
reduced in size to migrate toward the disk perimeter where a skirt ring
structure controls the size of the granulated material output.