A handheld client computing system selectively retrieves items, such as
email messages, from a server through either a POP transport or an IMAP
transport and selectively maintains the items on the client. The
retrieval and maintenance is based on predetermined criteria, such as
predetermined date, size or keyword information. Initially, the H/PC
(handheld personal computer) downloads item identification information
from the server on the client/server network and determines which items
are not present on the H/PC. Those items located on the server and not on
the H/PC are selected for possible downloading to the H/PC. However,
before each item is downloaded to the H/PC in its entirety, the H/PC
downloads only the header of the selected item. The header information is
analyzed to determine whether to download the entire item based on
predetermined criteria, such as date information. Once all server-based
items are analyzed, and selected items are downloaded, all local copies
of items, that do not satisfy the predetermined criteria, are deleted to
maintain a sliding or selective view of the server-based items belonging
to the client account.