By providing a secure EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only
Memory) device or other non-volatile memory (NVM) with a wireless
interface as a system operation key (SOK) to control the configurable
machine option attributes, various problems associated with machine
option configuration and updates may be accommodated. At initial SOK
install the identity of the machine is written to the NVM, i.e. the
machine serial number. This is performed during the initial machine power
up or reboot sequence. As part of the power on or reboot routine the
machine will check via the wireless interface to ensure no tampering has
taken place and that the machine identity and the NVM serial number
location data match. A new swapped in SOK can be installed so long as the
NVM serial number location has not been previously written to with a
conflicting identification number. The machine will then write the serial
number to the new SOK thereby protecting it.