A method of error management in a data storage system having a target
device, with the target device receiving commands from a first initiator
and the target device concurrently receiving commands from a second
initiator. The target device is typically a storage device operating as a
PPRC secondary. A first initiator is a device which communicates with the
target device through small computer systems interface (SCSI) protocol.
The first initiator is typically a host computer or server. The second
initiator communicates with the target device through peer-to-peer remote
copy PPRC initiator mode commands. The second initiator is typically a
separate storage device in a peer-to-peer remote copy (PPRC) relationship
with the target device. The method consists of managing errors associated
with a command sent to the target device from the first initiator
independently from the management of errors associated with a command
sent to the target device from the second initiator.