A method for access control in a wireless network having a base station
and a plurality of remote hosts includes the optional abilities of making
dynamic adjustments of the uplink/downlink transmission ratio, making
dynamic adjustments of the total number of reservation minislots, and
assigning access priorities by message content type within a single user
message stream. The method of the invention further provides for remote
wireless host paging and for delayed release of active channels by
certain high priority users in order to provide low latency of real-time
packets by avoiding the need for repeated channel setup signaling
messages. In the preferred embodiment, there are N minislots available
for contention in the next uplink frame organized into a plurality of
access priority classes. The base station allows m access priority
classes. Each remote host of access priority class i randomly picks one
contention minislot and transmits an access request, the contention
minislot picked being in a range from 1 to N.sub.i where