A buffered message queue architecture for managing messages in a database management system is disclosed. A "buffered message queue" refers to a message queue implemented in a volatile memory, such as a RAM. The volatile memory may be a shared volatile memory that is accessible by a plurality of processes. The buffered message queue architecture supports a publish and subscribe communication mechanism, where the message producers and message consumers may be decoupled from and independent of each other. The buffered message queue architecture provides all the functionality of a persistent publish-subscriber messaging system, without ever having to store the messages in persistent storage. The buffered message queue architecture provides better performance and scalability since no persistent operations are needed and no UNDO/REDO logs need to be maintained. Messages published to the buffered message queue are delivered to all eligible subscribers at least once, even in the event of failures, as long as the application is "repeatable." The buffered message queue architecture also includes management mechanisms for performing buffered message queue cleanup and also for providing unlimited size buffered message queues when limited amounts of shared memory are available. The architecture also includes "zero copy" buffered message queues and provides for transaction-based enqueue of messages.

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> System and method for controlling user authorities to access one or more databases

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