The present invention provides a pleasant illuminated anti-trip cable duct
for use in protecting wires that cross pathways. The illuminated
anti-trip cable duct may also be used to illuminate raceways or paths,
such as aisles in auditoriums or churches. The anti-trip cable duct
incorporates an integrated light transmission window and
electroluminescent wire. Installation is straightforward and very similar
to installation of standard, non-illuminated cable duct. Unlike rope or
string lighting, which may not be arbitrarily cut, the present invention
may be cut to any arbitrary length at the job site, provided that a
minimum length is used. Lengths of the present invention may be cascaded
together, enabling long illumination runs. The present invention may be
provided in rolled lengths, adding to ease in shipping, warehousing, and
job site installation. Little additional skills are required for
installation, making the present invention an attractive alternative to
typical non-illuminated anti-trip duct.