Various described embodiments provide for per-pixel functionality in
connection with pixel data that is processed by a video card for
rendering on a display monitor. That is, pixel data that is associated
with individual pixels that are to be rendered on a display monitor are
imparted with a characteristic that enables various functionalities to be
implemented at the pixel level. In one embodiment, per-pixel
functionality is provided by including, in the pixel data itself, a
specification of an auxiliary function that is to be performed on the
pixel data associated with the individual pixels. For example, the
security of the pixel data associated with each pixel can be enhanced by
providing the ability to encrypt and decrypt the pixel data for
individual pixels. A specification of a key that can be used for
decrypting the pixel data can then be included in the pixel data itself
such that when the pixel data is processed for rendering, a suitably
configured decryptor can access the key specification and decrypt the
pixel data.