A display device comprising a plurality of prize balls, a ball holder
adapted to hold the balls in an individually controlled manner, a
controller adapted to select a prize ball, a display mechanism adapted to
display the selected prize ball to the player; and a positioning
mechanism in communication with the controller adapted to position the
selected prize ball relative to the display mechanism. The display device
may be combined with a jumbled ball display wherein the balls displayed
by the display device appear to originate from the jumbled ball display.
The display device may also be combined with a game apparatus that is
adapted to allow players to play a game. In this embodiment, the display
device may provide a bonus award for the player. Several games are also
provided that may be used with the display device. In an alternative
embodiment, the jumbled ball display is replaced with a video display
device that displays the balls in video form. The display device may also
be replaced by the video display device in which case a prize ball
appears to be randomly selected from the agitated display balls.