TICC manages asynchronous communications among groups of concurrent (parallel) processes (Objects) in multiprocessors. It dedicates one processor to function as Communications Processor, C. TICC defines a Causal Communication programming Language, called CCL, whose statements may appear intermixed with statements of any conventional programming language. TICC defines methods for compiling CCL statements in these mixed language programs into sequences of protocols which are executed by C, in parallel with on going computations guaranteeing (1) group-to-group loss less, buffer less, self-synchronizing asynchronous data transfers; (2) more than a hundred fold reduction in communication latencies; (3) Dynamic Flexibility to monitor, repair, reconfigure and update software objects without service interruption; and (4) protection and security of all data, distributed to or collected from communicating objects, based on an Agreement Protocol.

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> Network device including dedicated resources control plane

~ 00341