A system is described for deriving benefits from the reception and processing of composite video signals from a display device 10 by a hand-held device 12, such as a smart card, personal digital assistant ("PDA"), or mobile phone. Video signals are modulated with auxiliary data creating composite video signals. The users directs the hand-held device 12 toward display device 10 by placing leading edge 18 in the path of the video signal. The composite video signals are then transmitted to and received by a hand-held device 12. Aiming light 24 and/or audio transducer 34 alert the user of hand-held device 12 that auxiliary data is being received. The auxiliary data is then utilized by hand-held device 12. In other embodiments of hand-held device 12, the auxiliary data is received from a decoder box, which in turn transmits the information to device 12 by RF which may be received by the RF antenna 68 of the device.The user receives benefits such as promotional opportunities resulting from the reception of the auxiliary data. Such opportunities are expressed on visual display 20, which may include a series of lights 20a, 20b, 20c, and/or 20d, or an LCD 44. The lights and LCD provide promotional opportunities which may be redeemable and conventional stores or via the Internet. Hand-held devices 12 are outfitted with a PCMCIA interface 70 or wireless Internet access to obtain such promotional activities on the Internet.Hand-held device 12 may have housing 14 in various shapes to promote various promotional opportunities. On front surface 16 of the hand-held device may have indication of a sponsor 17.

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