The present invention is a method and system for investing with a no or
low-loss assurance the aid of an agent. The invention provides a
plurality of risk levels having a gain apportionment value and a lost
apportionment value. The gain apportionment value dictates the
apportionment of a gain between the investor and the agent, while the
lost apportionment value dictates the apportionment of a loss between the
investor and the agent. Each risk level also has a gain sale threshold
and a loss sale threshold. The investor selects one of the risk levels.
When one of the sale thresholds is reached, the equity is sold to
complete a cycle or transaction of a combo, or combination of
transactions. The investor's apportioned gain is added to an investor's
money packet thereby increasing its value. A loss sale threshold ends the
combo. The loss is apportioned between the investor and the agent
according to the loss apportionment value of the selected risk level and
the investors apportioned loss is subtracted from the money packet.