A portable waveguide sensor having one or more gratings. In one
embodiment, the sensor has a waveguide, wherein a plurality of grooves
imprinted onto the waveguide form a Bragg grating. The surface of the
grooves has a functional layer adapted to bind a substance of interest,
e.g., a biological pathogen. When the pathogen binds to the functional
layer, the binding shifts the spectral reflection band corresponding to
the Bragg grating such that a probe light previously reflected by the
grating now passes through the grating, thereby indicating the presence
of the pathogen. In another embodiment, the sensor has a Mach-Zehnder
interferometer (MZI), one arm of which has a resonator formed by two
Bragg gratings. The surface of the resonator between the gratings has a
functional layer whereas the Bragg gratings themselves do not have such a