A temporary cosmetic dental coating has a transparent resin matrix
containing embedded glass microspheres. The refractive index of the
microspheres is at least 0.03 greater than the refractive index of the
transparent resin matrix. Incoming light is reflected back in the same
direction as it was emanated, providing a lustrous dental coating that is
cosmetically appealing and covers dental defects and discoloration. The
transparent resin matrix with glass microspheres is formed by mixing
together a methacrylate based liquid monomer of methyl methacrylate or
BIS-GMA and glass microspheres coated with activators/catalysts. The user
applies the mixed composition to the teeth to form a temporary cosmetic
dental coating, which is readily removed using a dental pick. A lac resin
dissolved in ethyl alcohol is optionally mixed with glass microspheres
and applied to teeth surfaces. The coating is hardened by alcohol
evaporation and removed by alcohol dissolution.