An RF receiver comprising a radio-frequency (RF) down-converter for receiving and down-converting an input RF signal to a lower frequency analog signal (e.g., an IF signal or baseband signal) and analog processing circuitry for receiving the lower frequency analog signal from the RF down-converter and outputting a processed analog signal. The processed analog signal includes a DC-offset signal introduced by the RF down-converter and the analog processing circuitry. The RF receiver also comprises an ADC circuit for converting the processed analog signal to a sequence of digital samples and a DC-offset correction circuit for detecting the DC-offset signal in a digital output signal of the RF receiver. The DC-offset correction circuit adds a DC-offset correction signal to the lower frequency analog signal. Adding the DC-offset correction signal to the lower frequency analog signal reduces the DC-offset signal in the processed analog signal at the analog processing circuitry output.


> Partitioning of radio-frequency apparatus

~ 00348