An apparatus for vaporizing a liquid and heating the vaporized liquid to
an elevated temperature. The apparatus has a heat transfer wall having an
outer surface for receiving heat and transferring the heat to an inner
surface. A wick material is disposed so that a portion of the wick
material is in contact with the inner surface and another portion is
remote from the heat transfer wall. A wick support in contact with the
wick material opposite the inner surface of the heat transfer wall
provides structural support to the wick material and further provides a
path for vaporized liquid to flow from the wick material. Vaporizable
liquid is delivered to the portion of the wick material that is remote
from the heat transfer wall and is allowed to migrate to the portion that
is in contact with the inner surface. Heat from the inner surface
converts the liquid to a vaporized liquid. Optionally, a gaseous fuel may
be introduced into the wick support for pre-heating and mixing with the
vaporized liquid. Vaporized liquid flows out of the wick material through
the wick support and into a downstream superheater that preferably houses
a heat exchange device. The heat exchange device is in thermal
communication with the inner surface of the heat transfer wall for
receiving and transferring heat to the vaporized liquid. The apparatus
can include multiple vaporization units connected to common and/or
different heat sources. Methods for making an apparatus for vaporizing a
liquid and methods for vaporizing a liquid are also disclosed.