The present scheme improves the security of encrypted data or information by using of a practical public-key cryptosystem that is able to resist adaptive attacks. The disclosed scheme does not leak any information about the secret of the used key. Therefor the scheme generates an extended private key and public key. A message m, also referred to as plaintext, is encryptable to a ciphertext t by using the public key. Only a recipient with the right private key is able to decrypt the ciphertext t. But before a decryption starts, a verification of the ciphertext t takes place. Such a verification allows to prove the legitimation of the ciphertext t. That means, the ciphertext t is investigated and either decrypted back to the plaintext or rejected if a chosen ciphertext is fed, ie. the ciphertext is illegitimate or invalid.


> Projector with enhanced security camcorder defeat

~ 00349