System and method for transferring thematic information over the Internet
in which graphical representations for different themes are created in a
vector format, the vector graphics are imported into the frames of an
animation movie, the frames of the movie are downloaded from the server
to the client, and the frames are selectively overlaid to display
different themes. The movie comprises a menu and a plurality of overlays
that can be accessed by selecting topics on the menu. The menu file is
downloaded first, and then data files for the overlays are downloaded in
sequence. If the client selects a topic before the data file associated
with it has been downloaded, the download is interrupted, and the data
file for the selected topic is downloaded immediately.The amount of data
that must be downloaded for thematic maps is minimized by downloading the
outline of the region as a separate frame or overlay, and using that
overlay with the overlays for a number of different themes. Where the
maps include colored areas, the amount of data which must be downloaded
is further reduced by extending the colored areas beyond the boundaries
of the map to a simple polygon, then using the outline as a mask to
display only the portions of the colored areas within the boundaries.Some
maps include icons which represent links to locations on the Internet
which have video clips with information relating the areas where the
icons are displayed. When those icons are selected, the video clips are
downloaded and played.