A coater for separating primary particles that are coated with a sticky or
tacky resin, and covering the surface of the primary particles with a
secondary particle of smaller size is disclosed. The coater includes a
disc having a periphery, a motor engaging the disc so as to be able to
spin the disc, and a restrictor mounted adjacent to the disc so as to
provide a gap for the egress of coated particles near the periphery of
the disc. Other embodiments of the invention will also have a first
dispenser for particles disposed above the disc. Also conveniently, the
coater will also have a second dispenser for particles disposed above the
disc. In one application for which the coater can be employed, the first
dispenser will be adapted to dispense a mixture of sand particles and
polymeric resin, and the second dispenser will be adapted to dispense
retroreflective glass beads.