In a hog production plant the hogs are divided into a series of separate
pens within the hog plant based generally on weight such that the
lightest hogs closest to the initial weight are arranged in the first pen
when the arrive and the heaviest hogs closest to the final market weight
are arranged in the last pen. Each pen includes a sorting scale arranged
to receive a hog therein and to weigh the hog for selection of one of two
outlet paths leading to the next pen of the series or, in respect of the
last pen, to a discharge location. A control unit for the system is
arranged such that a required number of hogs to be removed from the last
of the pens for market, the required number being less than the total
number of hogs in the last pen and less than the total number of hogs in
each of the other pens of the series is set and the sorter operated to
remove the required number of hogs from the last pen and to transfer from
each pen to the next of the series substantially the same number so as to
maintain the numbers of hogs in the pens substantially constant.