A system and method for implementing a digital filter, comprising
computing on a digital computer a mathematical model of a digital filter;
where the mathematical model has a predetermined first set of parameters.
The first set of parameters is converted to a second set of parameters,
where the second set of parameters includes control parameters for a
pre-selected digital-filter integrated circuit (IC). The system then
verifies that the execution of the second set of parameters by the
digital-filter IC substantially reproduces the behavior of the
mathematical model. The verified second set of parameters is then written
to permanent storage on the digital-filter IC. The system preferably
reads a device-file map characteristic of the particular filter IC
intended to be used to implement the filter under design. The converting
of the first set of parameters to a second set of parameters further
includes computing values corresponding to the second set of parameters
that conform to the numerical precision available in the digital-filter
IC, and assigning the values so computed to the second set of parameters.
The mathematical model of the digital filter is verified by re-computing
the model using the second set of parameters.