In order to distribute coupons to a consumer computer a link is
established with a coupon server, in response to which the coupon server
transmits a file containing a list of participating retail outlets. In
response to the consumer's selection of a retail outlet, the coupon
server transmits a file containing the inventory of goods offered for
sale by the selected retail outlet and data representative of the
physical layout of the selected retail outlet indicating the aisle
location of the goods. The inventory is displayed by the consumer
computer such that each item of goods is individually selectable. The
consumer may thus enter a shopping list by selecting one or more items of
goods he or she intends to purchase at the selected retail outlet. In
response to the selection of goods, the coupon server transmits to the
consumer computer a file containing electronic coupons corresponding to
one or more of the selected goods and a file containing data identifying
the aisle location in the selected retail outlet of the goods selected by
the consumer.