A compact disposable toothbrush has a flat, elongate bristle-receiving
body having bristles extending downward therefrom in the manner of a
traditional toothbrush. A finger clip formed by elongate curved elastic
portions extends upward along the length of the bristle receiving body.
The elastic action of the curved portions secures mounting to varying
sizes of finger. The finger clip has side openings in each and inner
guide ridges to avoid lateral movement and rotation on the finger. A
bristle cover snaps over bristle-receiving body for removal and
replacement and seals against the body and the lower wall of the finger.
The toothbrush and cover may be supplied as a kit with a single portion
of toothpaste provided in the cover as snapped closed over the bristle
portion of the toothbrush, the bristles extending into the toothpaste.
The kit is supplied in a wrapper for sanitary distribution.