The present invention is related to a method, system and computer program
for processing, on a data table, a command comprising one or a plurality
of order oriented criterias. The data table is defined as a structured
multidimensional range of cells comprising one or a plurality of fields
defined as a range of cells along a first dimension; and a plurality of
records defined as a range of cells structured according to one or a
plurality of fields along a second dimension. The method comprises the
steps of receiving a command comprising means for identifying a data
table and a specified field in the data table; one or more cell content
criterias and one or more order oriented criterias, each order oriented
criteria specifying a range of ranks according to a reference record
complying with one or plurality of cell content criterias in the data
table; processing one or plurality of cell content criterias on the
specified one or plurality of fields of the data base and selecting the
records complying with the processed one or plurality of cell content
criterias; determining, from a given first selected record in the data
table, the rank of each selected record along the first dimension and
entering the rank in a temporary field defined for each selected record;
converting the one or plurality of order oriented criterias in a new cell
content criteria to apply on the temporary field; processing the new cell
content criteria on the temporary field of the selected records and
identifying the records complying with the new cell content criteria;
returning the result of the received command, computed from the cells
belonging to the field specified in the command, and the records
identified among the selected records.