An organic and animal waste treatment apparatus (1) comprising a container
(10) with substantially torus shaped bio-film media (200) provided
primarily by tires (72) formed in multiple layers. A layer proximal the
bottom (20) is at least one first layer of bio-film media (70) or at
least one first layers of tires (72) having a first layer top (80) and
forming a Loose Density Zone (300). A next layer on top of the first
layer top (80) is at least one second layer of bio-film media (90) or at
least one second layer of tires (92) having a second layer top (100) and
forming a Transition Density Zone (320). A next layer on top of the
second layer top (100) is at least n subsequent layers (110) or at least
n subsequent layers of tires (112) and forming a Compact Density Zone
(340). The Loose Density Zone (300) covers between 20% to 40% of the
bottom surface area (60). The Transition Density Zone covers between 30%
to 50% of the first layer top surface area (85). The Compact Density Zone
covers between 40% to 70% of the second layer top surface area (105).
Organic and animal waste is received into the container (10) and is
circulated with gases (140) released and contained in the container (10)
by a top cover (40). Gases (140) are removed for storage or combustion
via at least one top cover vent (170).