The present invention relates to a method for filtering time-varying MR
signal data prior to image reconstruction. A one-dimensional FT is
applied to the time-varying MR signal data along each frequency-encode
line of k space. The phase p of each complex pair (R, I) of the FT
transformed data is calculated to create a phase profile for each
frequency-encode line. This process is repeated for all time points of
the time-varying MR signal data. The time course of each point within the
phase profile is then transformed into Stockwell domain producing ST
spectra. Frequency component magnitudes indicative of an artifact are
determined and replaced with a predetermined frequency component
magnitude. Each of the ST spectra is then collapsed into a
one-dimensional function. New real and imaginary values (R', I') of the
complex Fourier data are calculated based on the collapsed ST spectra
which are transformed using one-dimensional inverse Fourier
transformation for producing filtered time-varying MR signal data. The
method for filtering time-varying MR signal data is highly advantageous
by easily identifying high-frequency artifacts within the ST spectrum and
filtering only frequency components near the artifacts. Therefore,
high-frequency artifacts are substantially removed while the frequency
content of the remaining signal is preserved, enabling for example
detection of subtle frequency changes occurring over time.