A series of musical vehicles form a cooperative musical instrument. Each
musical vehicle may be outfitted with a musical tone generator and horn,
or loud speaker that plays a particular note on a music scale. Each
musical vehicle may have multiple horns or speakers having a
predetermined tonal separation between each horn or speaker. For example,
the B flat vehicle may have 5 horns that play a series of five of the
B-flat notes having a predetermined tonal separation between each note.
Each of the horns or speakers on each musical vehicle may be separately
activated so that, for example, the B vehicle would sound a middle B when
the middle B signal is activated. The horns or speakers may be
permanently mounted or preferably mounted on a rack that can be moved
from vehicle to vehicle. Each horn or speaker may be activated by a
separate musical command signal, or a common radio signal using encoded
signals to select one or more notes from one or more of the musical cars,
transmitted from a control system which may be located in fixed location,
in a separate vehicle or in one of the musical vehicles. The control
system may include a keyboard which can be operated to cause music to be
generated by the group of vehicles. The command system may receive
musical input from a cd or cassette or other suitable device which plays
a pre-recorded piece of music through the musical vehicles.