An integrated circuit current regulator that compensates for variation in
current required based on the switching activity of the integrated
circuit. A first embodiment incorporates a voltage controlled on-chip
bypass circuit with a scaling unit to divide an input voltage into n
fractional voltages and an on-chip voltage monitor to compare a fraction
of the on-chip supply voltage with a reference voltage and control a
corresponding on-chip power supply bypass. At least one bypass resistor
per comparator is switched between the supply voltage and ground
potential according to the output signal of the corresponding comparator
to dampen power supply noise. The value of the by-pass resistance R
increases with decreasing on-chip supply voltage and decreases with
increasing supply voltage. A resistance as a function of supply voltage
R(Vdd) characteristic is realized to reduce or eliminate mid-frequency
power supply noise, caused by on-chip switching activity variations while
minimizing additional on-chip power dissipation.